Offenes Feldenkrais Training (In...
Sa, 19.11.22, 11:00 – 13:00 Uhr
Offenes Feldenkrais Training (Instructions in English Language Only)
Austober, Rappoltshof 10, 4057 Basel

Keine speziellen Vorkenntnisse notwendig. Englischkenntnisse von Vorteil (Basic English Language Skills Recommended). Beginners welcome.

TEACHER: Marianela León Ruiz

Marianela is an artist dancer. She did the Feldenkrais © training in Israel "Jerusalem 7" (2015-2019) with Eilat Almagor and Anat Krivine.

During the classes we'll do a couple of Awareness Through Movement lessons. We'll clarify some doubts if they appear and/or we may do some spontaneous movements as a last intuitive integration of the process from a dance perspective.

TIME: Every Saturday 11:00-13:00

PLACE: Austober, Rappoltshof 10.


COST: 30.- for 2 hours


TESTIMONY: "We seldom think of how we learn the skill of relating to our bodies or to the walls around us, nor do we realise that our orientation is far from perfect. Many of us carry a mixture of reference into adult life. (..right-left...) In the same way, we fail to appreciate what we mean by childhood. One is a child not only because he is smaller and lighter but essentially because of his childish attitude. The ability to learn a skill such as right-left orientation needs the childish state of mind, the ability to play while learning, the ability to pay attention without intending to learn. It also needs, among other requirements, the ability to feel differences; that is, the ability to distinguish between one sensation and another very similar one. The child does not exercise in the sense a grown-up does, by repeating an action in order to improve it. The child's attention is directed by curiosity, which is innate in all living things. Repetition in a small child is more often due to the pleasure the act evokes and to its novelty than to any intent to improve. This state of mind goes together with total satisfaction of oneself and excitement and the absence of desires which tense the body and the spirit. The simple mood, posture and movement are conditions for learning -which is also growth".

From The case of Nora, a book Moshe Feldenkrais wrote in 1977 about his work with a Swiss woman called Nora.

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